Beadlock Spacer Kit

${ currentVariant.price | toUSD } N/A

Per Wheel

Per Kit

Color: Beadlock Spacer Kit
No options found for ${formattedVehicle}. Click here for verified fitments for your vehicle.
  • ${item.values[0][0]}

Total: ${ wheelsTotal | toUSD }


Beadlock spacers are needed when an excessively thick tire bead is causing assembly issues such as bolt heads shearing off at low torque values.

Click Here to Download Beadlock Guidelines

Need more info? Give us a call 866-779-8604


  • ${ spec.title }${ spec.value }


  • 14" UTV beadlock spacers increase bead allowance by 1/8" (0.125")
  • 15" & 17" beadlock spacers increase bead allowance by 3/16" (0.1875")
  • Truck wheels typically require spacer kits when mounting tires 37" and up on wheels utilizing the Method V.1 beadlock ring
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${ product.title?.split('|')[0]}
${ product.title?.split('|')[1]}
${ product.title?.split('|')[2]}
${ currentVariant.sku }
${ currentVariant.price | toUSD } ea.

Size Specs:${ modalItemSpecs }

TOTAL: ${ wheelsTotal | toUSD }

Beadlock Spacer Kit
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  • Beadlock Spacer Kit