Method Wheel Cleaner

${ currentVariant.price | toUSD } N/A

Per Wheel

Per Kit

Color: Method Wheel Cleaner
No options found for ${formattedVehicle}. Click here for verified fitments for your vehicle.
  • ${item.values[0][0]}

Total: ${ wheelsTotal | toUSD }



Method Wheel Cleaner is designed specifically for Method Race Wheels making cleaning your wheels quick and easy while delivering professional results.
It easily removes built up grime from your wheel’s surface. This eco-friendly, pH neutral formula cleans any Method Wheel finish without leaving stains or residue.

1. Rinse wheel with water to remove loose dust and grime
2. Spray directly onto wheel then agitate with a soft non-abrasive brush
3. Rinse with water thoroughly
4. Use microfiber cloth to dry


  • ${ spec.title }${ spec.value }


  • Custom Wash Blend Tailored Specifically for Method Wheels
  • Eco-Friendly, Ready-To-Use Formula
  • Safe for All Method Wheel Types and Finishes
  • PH Balanced, Non-Corrosive
  • Leaves No Residue
  • Regular Use Promotes Longevity of Wheel Finish
  • 16 FL OZ (474 mL)
  • Includes 16 oz Bottle and Spray Nozzle

For Best Results:

  • Apply on wheels that are cooled off. Do not spray any cleaning agent on a hot wheel.
  • Do not let wash dry on wheel.
  • Best to do 1 wheel at a time.
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${ product.title?.split('|')[0]}
${ product.title?.split('|')[1]}
${ product.title?.split('|')[2]}
${ currentVariant.sku }
${ currentVariant.price | toUSD } ea.

Size Specs:${ modalItemSpecs }

TOTAL: ${ wheelsTotal | toUSD }

Method Wheel Cleaner
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  • Method Wheel Cleaner
  • Method Wheel Cleaner